Thanks for dropping by my website
If you want to know a bit more about me and Urban Garden Survival, then just watch the video below or if you would rather you can read it all below the video 🙂
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Here is a little bit of information About Me and also about Urban Garden Survival…
Thank you for dropping by and checking out my website.
Firstly, a little about me…
My name is Lynne and I am an Australian, living in Australia.
Currently I am living in a city, so it is an urban location… I actually live in the suburbs. Luckily for me, there area a lot of trees and birds, so it sometimes has a bit of a country feel.
I would much prefer to be living in the country, however, here I am, at least for the time being. So I am working on getting back to the country as soon as I possibly can.
While I am living here, thought, I thought that I might as well do what I can and make the most of my urban/suburban environment.
I do have a small backyard, so I am able to grow a few things outside, and I also use some containers to grow some things.
Currently, I look after my elderly Father, so my plan is to create my business so I can work from home, where I can do something that I enjoy, and at the same time make it easier to look after Dad.
I am also a Christian, and I mention that only because it influences a lot of my views about living naturally and health, so that might give you a bit more of an idea of where I am coming from.
Why Urban Garden Survival?
The main focus on the website is about organic gardening… growing your own fresh vegetables, fruit and herbs.
As an extension of that topic, I will be touching on related subjects, like Vegetarian or Vegan recipes, Natural Health including Home and Herbal Remedies etc.
I could also discuss topics that revolve around Self-Sufficiency, Emergency Preparedness or Survival as well as Environmental concerns.
So that provides a pretty broad range of topics…
I believe, there are some difficult times coming, with the economy and society in general, and whatever we can do to help ourselves will only be for the better regardless of what the future holds. So all these topics fit into the category of improving our health and lifestyle and doing what we can for ourselves.
I think that gives you a bit of an idea of what this website and myself are all about…
I really appreciate you taking the time to check this out.
Don’t forget to subscribe to my notifications list. You will receive your 7 part email Mini-Course as well as a Free 40 page eBook about Container Gardening. I will also let you know when I make new posts on the website, or on my Facebook page, or put a video on YouTube.
Which reminds me…
If you haven’t already, please take a minute to head on over and hit ‘like’ on my Facebook page.
And don’t forget to follow me on Twitter and YouTube.
Please feel free to contact me via the contact page if you have any questions or suggestions. Plus don’t forget you can also leave comments under posts.
I would also appreciate hearing about your gardening experiences too!
So thank you once again for dropping by.
Wishing you all the best with your own gardening…

Lynne Carey
Urban Garden Survival